Ascorbyl Palmitate * Oil Soluble Vitamin C 15 gm Ascorbyl Palmitate ~ Powder ~ Oil Soluble Works at the Cellular Level
- Antioxidant
- Repairs & Helps Protect against Sun Damage
- Anti-Aging
Add to your favorite creams, lotions, serums and cleansers fresh daily.
Dissolve first with oil in a separate container, then transfer to your formula. Use rate 2% to 10%
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Antioxidants are activated as soon as they combine with water or oil releasing their healing properties. They are the "anti-rust" of the skin care industry. They are still effective if they are in a "ready made" product, but much MORE effective if added fresh daily, weekly or even monthly. The chemical breakdown of the product begins after it is activated. Now you can add these potent properties to your skin care regimen with ModelSupplies.
There is nothing better than ModelSupplies to deliver Fast & Phenomenal results!
Actives at their best and they save you $$$
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Shop our Store for More!  Ingredients include:
DMAE Shea Butter OM Cinnamate Caffeine Haloxyl (R) Oleic Acid (exclusive on eBay!) Hyaluronic Acid Squalane Argireline Collagen & More!
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